The 21st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care (ISNACC) is being held for the first time in Chennai at Mahabalipuram from 31st Jan to 2nd Feb 2020 with a Pre-Conference Workshop on 30th Jan 2020. This conference is attended by over 20 international faculty and delegates and over 300 National delegates.
The aim of this conference is to share knowledge in current practice of this highly specialized field of Neuroanaesthesiology and Neurocritical Care among the practitioners. It’s an opportunity for the delegates to upgrade their knowledge in the recent technological developments and understand the applications of newer modalities of care to improve the outcome of critically ill neurological patients.
Newer modalities of brain monitoring during surgeries as well as during the critical care were discussed and how to manage the patients precisely with the inputs derived from these modalities were explained. Newer scopes in the management Various life threatening neurological illness like stroke , brain hemorrhage , Head injury , Spinal cord damage , Seizures and various modalities of brain protection during an acute brain insult were discussed in this conference by eminent faculties from various institutes across India and Abroad including Europe and America.
It serves as a platform to discuss the controversies that exist in patient management and arrive at a consensus.
The workshop focused on how to precisely monitor the brain and improve the outcomes of the patients who otherwise would have had severe deficits.
“Time is Brain “Emphasize the importance of time in managing acutely ill Neurological patients. This was incorporated into a structured course called “Acute Neuro Care “which will be offered to all training medical graduates and health care professionals to ACT FAST in situations of Neuroemergencies.
The conference was inaugurated by the President of the International body of Society of Neurosciences in Anesthesiology and Critical Care who himself is from India. Dr Prashanth Rajagopalan , Director MGM health care and Dr K Sridhar , Director , Institute of Neurosciences and Spinal disorders , MGM Health care felicitated the event . Dr Prasanna Bidkar , Additional Professor of Neuroanaesthesiology , JIPMER welcomed the delegates and Dr Ponniah Vanamoorthy , the organising secretary thanked the delegates for attending this meeting.